
Balanced Bodies


Awaken Thyself with the Modern Mystery School

Awaken Thyself with the Modern Mystery School

Sitting in Mystery is a collection of recordings to explore the mysteries of spiritual technology and ancient wisdom teachings that can be applied in everyday life and enable you to align to your Higher Self. Join us in this recording with Shawn Warnick, a Guide and...

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Holistic Medicine for Menopause

Holistic Medicine for Menopause

Harmonics of Menopause is for those that long to restore the sovereignty of their being. The whole transitional phase called Menopause is an invitation to step out of ordinary time and honor and embrace cosmic Time as a beloved companion. “ Linear time prompts us to...

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Harmonics for Menopause: Supporting Your Experience

Harmonics for Menopause: Supporting Your Experience

Orinoco Flows Community is hosting a dialogue with Rex Lassalle about Menopause. Rex will share the wisdom he has gained over the past four decades supporting women during this natural transition in life. He will bring light to how modern society views Menopause as a...

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What are Baby Doula Services?

What are Baby Doula Services?

We all acknowledge that birth is hard. For the mothers who are delivering the baby, we acknowledge that it can be the most painful experience they ever have. But what about the baby? The way we have set up birth in today’s culture introduces trauma to babies. Read...

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7 Metal Ritual to Support Lungs and Skin

7 Metal Ritual to Support Lungs and Skin

This recording is an offering from the 9 Star Ki Astrology for the Orinoco Flows community. Rex Lassalle brings insight for people who carry the 7 Metal Child Star in their natal chart. He covers the essences characteristic to 7 Metal souls and how they can support...

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Earth Ritual to Support Grounding

Earth Ritual to Support Grounding

This recording is an offering from the 9 Star Ki Astrology for the Orinoco Flows community. Rex Lassalle brings insight for people who carry the 4 Wood Child Star in their natal chart. He covers the essences characteristic to 4 Wood souls and how they can support...

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Water Ritual to Support Winter Season and Birth

Water Ritual to Support Winter Season and Birth

As our experience of the world becomes more mediated by technology, it seems that our connection to the earth and the natural elements lessons. Today, Rex and I are hear to represent the Orinoco Flows Community, a space to support women and birth. We are here to perform a ritual with the water element to help mothers-to-be, their partners, and birth professionals rediscover the transformative feminine energy at the heart of the birthing process, and truly the transformative energy that comes when we mark time and space using the elements and ritual. The Orinoco Flows online Community creates opportunities to mark time, to gather, celebrate and re-connect to the sacredness of all things. Times of transitions are by their nature a matriarchal domain. The name Orinoco Flows points to how all our paths meet as we appreciate how we have all been born from water. Water embraced us for those 9 months, and continues to support us with its presence.

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Dream for Health

Dream for Health

Holistic medicine is powerful. The human body is designed to heal itself. Pain and disease is psychological, it is managed by the brain. What emotions are underneath your pain? What patterns do you wish to change in the year ahead? Psychosomatic therapy unlocks...

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9 Fire Child Star Month in a 5 Earth Star Year

9 Fire Child Star Month in a 5 Earth Star Year

9 Fire Child Star Month in a 5 Earth Star Year 9 FIRE CHILD STAR MONTH This month January 2023 is a 9 Fire Child Star Month. It began on January 6th and will end on February 3rd 2023. What is the Child Star Month? This is the Star Element which dominates the energy...

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Who is behind Balanced Bodies Wellness Clinic?

Who is behind Balanced Bodies Wellness Clinic?

I am Christianna Deichmann, a psychosomatic therapist, who specializes in the energetic healing arts. Psychosomatic therapies are a bit of a mystery and largely unknown to the public at large. My work bridges body, mind, and soul by combining massage, craniosacral,...

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Introducing the Orinoco Flows Community: Interview with Lena Gelin, Psychologist and Healer

Holistic Medicine for the Subconscious Mind

Orinoco Flows with a 9 Fire Child Star Orinoco Flows is a community where people can learn more about their Child Star through practical rituals that provide deep insight into your authentic self. Cultivating a relationship with your Child Star is a means to engage in...

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Introducing the Orinoco Flows Community: Interview with Lena Gelin, Psychologist and Healer

Where Have Our Souls Gone?

We live in a world where we think mostly from our rational brain. What’s so wrong with that? Well, let me ask you. Do you feel the world is headed in a good direction? Do you feel that children are empowered and free to live from their heart? Do you wonder how deep of...

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A Journey of Empowerment

A Journey of Empowerment

A Journey of Empowerment to Align with your Higher Self Balanced Bodies Wellness Clinic is a place to bridge body, mind & soul using energetic healing modalities coupled with modern medical science. My path to creating Balanced Bodies started from a moment in my...

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Revolutionize Your Parenting

Revolutionize Your Parenting

  This hour long conversation, "Revolutionize Your Parenting" is a brief overview for an online intensive course coming October 2022 to help parents manage stress and learn how to gain more connection with themselves and their children. Christianna Deichmann, a...

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Naming Our Needs

Naming Our Needs

“Everything We Do, We Do To Meet A Need” Thom Bond’s Compassionate Communications course and Robin Grille’s Inner Child Process greatly influence my therapy practice. People come to me to seek refuge from suffering and to change their patterns. I help individuals...

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Babies Experience Betrayal at Birth In Our Culture

Babies Experience Betrayal at Birth In Our Culture

Science now shares a profound truth that babies are sentient, conscious beings who have the potential to shake down the very foundations of societal ills engrained in our economic, political, and spiritual structures. This truth remains largely unknown to humanity,...

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Benefits of Infant Massage

Benefits of Infant Massage

Benefits of Infant Massage after a Hospital Birth Natural Birth is a Sphincter Process Infant Message is often overlooked as a necessity to encourage growth and development in children. At its premise, massage is about touch—rubbing and manipulation of soft tissues in...

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Jenni Alpert (aka Cami) Singer/Songwriter

Jenni Alpert (aka Cami) Singer/Songwriter

In honor of our Relinquishment, Separation, Adoption and Baby's Experience Panel, Jenni Alpert (Cami) - Singer, songwriter, guitarist, and pianist joined us to share her personal story around the adoption constellation. Jenni Alpert (Birth name: Cameron, Cami) was...

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Inner Child Journey

Inner Child Journey

A man in his 50s came to me after seeing lots of doctors for inexplicable pain in his legs and particularly his knees and feet. During the intake, we traced his history growing up. His mother died when he was three and his father remarried shortly after to a much...

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Benefits of Robin Grille’s Inner Child Journey Training

Benefits of Robin Grille’s Inner Child Journey Training

Three main benefits of Robin Grille’s Inner Child Journeying training for health professionals: An excellent – in fact vital! – tool for parent-coaching and couples/relationship counselling. Inner Child Journeying clarifies both positive and negative projections, and...

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Curious about healing early trauma imprints?

Curious about healing early trauma imprints?

A client who experiences overwhelming thoughts, suffers from a constant inner critic, lacks energy, direction, or has feelings of shame, guilt, resentment, self-judgement, are all clients with whom I explore their childhood. Once we dig more into their history, we...

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Trauma Recovery: Repeatedly raped as a young child

Trauma Recovery: Repeatedly raped as a young child

Chronic Symptoms need Prenatal and Perinatal Somatic Dynamics in order to heal This gut-wrenching story is one of hope, renewal, and faith. All in all, the treatments went on for almost a year—a testament that this type of medicine is a slow-working antidote that aims...

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True Healings Two Chair Method

True Healings Two Chair Method

True healings from Craniosacral therapy Craniosacral therapy sits on the fringe of alternative healthcare and alludes most people. Because it is an “energetic” healing modality, most people lack understanding of what it is and how it is a form of treatment of the...

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Birth in Pieces

Birth in Pieces

When I open google, or turn on the TV, or listen to the news, I have to check my reality and ask myself, “Do I live in an advanced society? Or is this just an illusion of the proverbial American Dream?” We all know the news is depressing and hopeless sounding. When I...

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Bodywork for Babies

Bodywork for Babies

Understanding Tongue Tie from Birth Onwards Because tongue ties have such a wide range of consequences, there are a broad range of medical professionals whose input can help you and your child as you navigate post-birth tongue tie issues.   In this post, I will...

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I Travel To You!

If your location is within 20 miles of the clinic, the travel fee is waived. Within 30 miles, the travel fee is $15. From 30-50 miles, the travel fee is $25.