Ms. Christianna Deichmann, an experienced PPNE (Pre and Perinatal Educator) and Inner Child Journey Process Practitioner will be sharing her profound insights on how therapy can help alleviate trauma-related symptoms, highlighting strategies for recovery and...
Balanced Bodies
Birth Trauma

The Energetic Space Between Us
The energetic space between us relates to the Field of energy that permeates all space. Our emotions have energy tones and frequencies that set the tone in our spaces. Attuning to our energy field is a means of being conscious and connected to our emotional needs as...

Healing from Loss of a Baby
Healing from Loss of a Baby by Kate White, PPNE, BCST, LMT Loss of a baby, either to miscarriage, abortion, stillbirth, or twin loss (embryologists estimate that 30 to 80 percent of us were conceived with a twin) is hard on the mother, no matter what. Children...

Babies Experience Betrayal at Birth In Our Culture
Science now shares a profound truth that babies are sentient, conscious beings who have the potential to shake down the very foundations of societal ills engrained in our economic, political, and spiritual structures. This truth remains largely unknown to humanity,...

How to get started Treating Babies
In this free 60 minute webinar, Dr. Jonathan Evans (Osteopath) and Kate White (baby bodyworker) will explain why babies can benefit greatly from gentle manual therapy and how you too can start working in this field and helping babies. It's very common for babies to...

How to Work with Birth Trauma
This is a 20 mintue excerpt from our Day 2 of the Foundations in Prenatal and Perinatal Dynamics course. It is the introductory course that is a prerequisite to our 6 module course: Integrated Prenatal and Perinatal Dynamics, a course for professionals who work with...
The Blueprint in Two Minutes
The Blueprint In Two Minutes" with Ray Castellino and Kate White! What's the difference between an Imprint and The Blueprint? How can Imprints be both positive and negative experiences? How is The Blueprint a reference point for returning to wellness/wholeness?Watch...

Jenni Alpert (aka Cami) Singer/Songwriter
In honor of our Relinquishment, Separation, Adoption and Baby's Experience Panel, Jenni Alpert (Cami) - Singer, songwriter, guitarist, and pianist joined us to share her personal story around the adoption constellation. Jenni Alpert (Birth name: Cameron, Cami) was...
Kimberly Ann Johnson, Somatic Practitioner and Cultural Change Agent
Kimberly is a Sexological Bodyworker, Somatic Experiencing trauma resolution practitioner, yoga teacher, postpartum advocate, birth doula, and single mom. She is the author of Call of the Wild: How We Heal Trauma, Awaken Our Own Power and Use It for Good as well as...
A Threefold Path to Heal Birth Trauma
Many women come to heal birth trauma with a few simple statements. One of them is: "I had a baby." Women and couples who suffer in the aftermath of birth trauma struggle to make sense of how they are feeling and what happened to them, and there are not systems in...

“To Know Thyself is the Beginning of Wisdom” – Socrates. Christianna Deichmann
Christianna Deichmann, RCST®, PPNE from Balanced Bodies unravels some of the scientific and spiritual mysteries that surround the pre, peri and postnatal universe we live in. Do you believe we all suffer from some kind of trauma before and during birth? Yes,...

Birth in Pieces
When I open google, or turn on the TV, or listen to the news, I have to check my reality and ask myself, “Do I live in an advanced society? Or is this just an illusion of the proverbial American Dream?” We all know the news is depressing and hopeless sounding. When I...

Children are the future. But truly, children are often forgotten about when it comes to healthcare, often the treatment of children is relegated behind that of adults. Western medicine still treat babies as if they have no capacity to remember or experience pain...

Cultural Impacts on Raising Kids
APPPAH Module 6 Essay on the Cultural Impacts in the Prenatal and Perinatal Field "How Consciousness and Support Lay the Groundwork for Peace and Love or How the Lack of Consciousness Lays the Foundation for Violent Culture" by Christianna Deichmann If parents are...

The Role of Consciousness in Pre and Perinatal Psychology
“The great majority of humanity are ruled by their external circumstances, but the superior man is he who works out his own direction and then changes his environment, or his reaction to it, accordingly. He is a master of his destiny.” ~Gareth Knight, Authority on...

When Speaking to Groups about Pre and Perinatal Psychology
Module 4 of APPPAH's PPNE Course: Neuroscience By Christianna Deichmann When giving a talk on pre and perinatal dynamics, the speaker must be cognizant of behaviors exhibited by people in the audience because the subject matter can be activating of the autonomic...
How our surround affects our babies
Consciousness Streaming: Module 3 Epigenetics Art Submission and Essay By Christianna Deichmann My son and I made this piece of art together while I told him the story of when I first acknowledged his being on the night of September 14, 2016. I had felt his presence...
The Journey to Healing Starts with YOU
This essay was submitted to APPPAH for the Pre and Perinatal Educator certification and discusses Ethics within this field. Specifically, the paper addresses C-sections and VBACs and the ethical situations we run up against with the birthing rituals established in the...
Understanding Dis-ease and the future of our children
This is an essay submitted for the Pre and Perinatal Educator certification course at the Association of Pre and Perinatal Health. We are calling for a paradigm shift in human consciousness...join the mission in redefining our lives and the world our children will...

What is Craniosacral Therapy?
#autonomic nervous system #therapy #resilience #trauma #trauma resolution #health Craniosacral therapy is an energetic healing modality that encourages the body’s natural healing process through the use of a gentle touch and very light pressure. The craniosacral...
Restoring Your Baby after C-Section Birth
Thirty years of clinical and behavioral studies indicate cesarean births cause considerable trauma to babies. Since C-sections are a medical necessity for many birth stories, this blog post discusses what happens to babies during the surgery and how best to treat them...
CranioSacral for Pregrant Mothers
I Travel To You!
If your location is within 20 miles of the clinic, the travel fee is waived. Within 30 miles, the travel fee is $15. From 30-50 miles, the travel fee is $25.