
Balanced Bodies

Conscious Parenting

Revolutionize Your Parenting

Revolutionize Your Parenting

  This hour long conversation, "Revolutionize Your Parenting" is a brief overview for an online intensive course coming October 2022 to help parents manage stress and learn how to gain more connection with themselves and their children. Christianna Deichmann, a...

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Naming Our Needs

Naming Our Needs

“Everything We Do, We Do To Meet A Need” Thom Bond’s Compassionate Communications course and Robin Grille’s Inner Child Process greatly influence my therapy practice. People come to me to seek refuge from suffering and to change their patterns. I help individuals...

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I Travel To You!

If your location is within 20 miles of the clinic, the travel fee is waived. Within 30 miles, the travel fee is $15. From 30-50 miles, the travel fee is $25.