Orinoco Flows Community is a place to remember our biological experiences are linked to the cosmos.
When we engage with this knowing,
we step into our Health. One key to unlock this knowledge is held within 9 Star Ki, an ancient astrology system. Welcome to the Orinoco!
Did you ever dream about finding the secret key to your subconscious mind?
The KEY is found within the Ancient Astrology System of the 9 Star Ki. This insightful system connects us to a sense of time outside of the domain of normal ‘Tick Tock time’.
Womb time and Birth time are some of the many liminal states that each one of us experience. These transitional times are potent moments that open gateways to “Oxytocin Time.”
The Orinoco Flows community is where extraordinary Oxytocin moments happen. This is your invitation to join others that wish to cultivate experiences of self fulfillment that affirm we are biologically and spiritually inseparable from nature.
“Our life is a mandala
A vast ever expanding circle
At the center of which our soul resides
Encompassing our sense experiences.
~Rex Lassalle
How birth connects us to all of Life and the cosmos
The context of our birth, pregnancy and the coming forth of us as human beings is a mandala of our ancestry. All that surrounds our birth, our parents, grandparents, culture, the totality of our family tree, our ancestral DNA, all of this coalesces. Even the midwives, doulas, doctors and nurses who were part of the outer environment as we emerged into the world, play their crucial role. All this sensory and felt experience marinating, mingling and alchemizing and then constellating as the extraordinary Mandala of our life.
At every step we were shaped and influenced. Our mother met our physical and emotional needs as best as she could according to her capabilities and resources . As we acquired skills and education each one of us was branded with our blend of accomplishment, confidence and suppression. Many of us still get stuck in beliefs about who we are and how we SHOULD be. Although the educational status quo supports those that literally want to ‘ get ahead’, many find that it doesn’t hold all the answers for our emotional intelligence and well-being.
ME with my emotional needs can be left adrift wondering how or where will I find that emotional nourishment?
Friends and families fill the gap and yet what about those times when I am just with ME?
Where do I go?
Is there some pathway that is there for ME to walk into that garden, which nourishes all of my emotional needs? For sure there is.
Does not Socrates give the hint with “KNOW THYSELF”?
From my work with countless clients, I get daily confirmation that each one of us has their own unique guide to this vast uncharted territory. In the Orinoco Flows Community, we speak about the Child Star, as being this personal guide that is always present to nourish our emotional well-being. Our Child Star acts like a bridge that helps us to encompass the vastness not only of where we have come from but also who we are. Cultivating a relatedness to our Child Star creates a magnetic field of dynamic possibilities in our life. The OFC is an online resource center for people to come to know simple rituals they can engage with to create extra ordinary moments in their life and deepen their relationships.
About the Leaders
The group is founded by one man and two women who each bring unique gifts within the energetic healing arts. Our main facilitator, Rex Lassalle, has masterfully combined four decades of his understanding of health with the Alchemy of Time, shiatsu, and Oriental astrology to help women discover their Child Star. Sara Devoy adds her passion for prenatal bonding and craniosacral therapy to the group, along with Christianna Deichmann who adds her psychosomatic therapy skills, knowledge of the pre and perinatal sciences, and metaphysical trainings from the Modern Mystery School. All three of us wish to help support holistic births that honor the family constellation and connect to the stories of the ancestors. The main focal point of this group is to engage with the natural elements through the astrology teachings of the 9 Star Ki (pronounced kee). Our Child Star holds the key to our innate source of joy and fulfillment.
Orinoco Flows is simply an invitation to create extraordinary moments in your life by cultivating virtuous actions that nourish your Child Star element.
What is the Child Star?
The Child Star is the spiritual guide we carry within who is connected to our Subconscious Mind. It is accompanied with an element with which we can cultivate a relationship. When we do this, we are in tune with our unique emotional needs. By fostering a Relatedness with it, the feel-good level of our being is optimized.
Understanding the Child Star has a profound significance during pregnancy and augments the whole process of bonding. Birth workers, parents and therapists will find the insights practical and easy to apply.
More information flows below:
Why the Orinoco?
The Orinoco River is a metaphor revealing the unrelenting generosity of water to help and heal us as a community. Rex’s own earliest impressions of his perinatal life have shaped him profoundly; they are integral to his approach.
The Orinoco Flows community is indeed a meeting of the waters. Sara Devoy has known Rex as mentor and friend for over thirty years and shares with Christianna Deichmann a compassionate motivation, just like water, to help clients uncover their core nurturing needs. The process of forming this community in itself continues to activate the most profound healing for ourselves, our families, and our clients. Thank you Orinoco for the refreshing ripples and sparkles that you bring to our conversations.
Who is Rex Lassalle?Rex Lassalle is an Osteopath as well as a Shiatsu, Aikido and Zen practitioner. He is an international authority on Oriental Astrology and its impact on health. Over the last few decades, the relevance of the child star has become a dominant theme of my healing modality. I have seen how this links right back to my mothers’ pregnancy with me. Though she was carrying me I was really my granny’s son. She cooked every day for my mother. She did rituals for my mother when she was pregnant with me where the influence of my grandmother has effectively facilitated access to indigenous knowledge.
What can the Orinoco Flows community offer you?
A gathering space to commune with others who wish to relate to this ancient wisdom of the Child Star and how it applies to your health. This group will appeal to those that enjoy stories and experience more than facts and data. In this community, you will discover the power of incorporating simple rituals or ‘ceremonies’ in your life. The space itself is multi-dimensional and will be housed in Microsoft Teams so you can access a wealth of information about your Child Star through blog posts, videos, interviews, group chats, live talks, and more.
Join Our Next Workshop with the Orinoco Flows Community:
Harmonics of Menopause
Orinoco Flows Community is hosting a workshop series on the Menopause conversation by seeing it as one of several interrelated transitions on the journey of womanhood. This time of transition brings to light core issues for women’s emotional and spiritual well-being that are connected to emotional imprints she experienced during previous initiatory transitions such as birth, menses, and motherhood. The facilitator, Rex Lassalle, will demonstrate how a woman’s biological experiences are linked to the cosmos. The workshop outlines where these cosmological links to our human nature are broken and how they can be restored through practical embodiment practices, rituals, and awareness using his expertise of Oriental medicine, shiatsu, and ancient holistic teachings. The workshop gatherings will bring light to how modern society views Menopause as a problem and works to “fix it” and how difficulty and challenge during this time often has roots in how a woman experienced her first bleed cycles when she was a young woman. These imprints on the instinctual feminine are impactful and may hold the key to menopause challenges.
Join the Orinoco Flows Newsletter
Join our newsletter to receive special offers, guided meditations, event announcements, and information that will assist you in nourishing your Child Star.

Star Code Booklet
A beginner’s guide to discovering your Child Star in the 9 Star Ki astrology system.

Coming Home to Water Meditation
9 minute guided meditation to engage with the element of Water. 528 Hz music created by Greg Lassalle of G-Lab, voice narration by Rex Lassalle. Purchase MP4 audio file for $9.99.
Is the Orinoco Flows an Astrological Website?
Is the Child Star something that came from Western Astrology, Vedic Astrology or other Astrological systems?
Are there other websites that are offering these guidelines about the Child Star?
You mentioned Rituals quite a few times that the Orinoco Flows Community suggest as a source of support for emotional health and wellbeing. Do these Rituals belong to some Religious order?
Are these Rituals arising from some Asian Religious or Spiritual system?
What about women going through menopause, can their Child Star Element be a source of support?
Can men get help and support from their Child Star?
Is it possible that Rex can give examples of certain world personalities and obviously more women as this site is geared towards the needs of women?
Jane Fonda has a 4 Wood Child Star, the communicator. Playing endless roles in a wide spectrum of life styles and personas. Also being a social and political activist, articulating her position very skilfully.
Another 4 Wood Child Star is Agatha Christie, again that communication skill is dominant. Christie is the best-selling fiction writer of all time, her novels having sold more than two billion copies.
Brooke Shields has an 8 Earth Child Star, the researcher, the perpetual student. She gave up her modeling and acting career to go to Princeton University to study Romance languages at one stage in her career.
Aretha Franklin as does Frank Sinatra have the 7 Metal Child star, which is all about creating harmonious nuances with their voices and how they sing and present things.
On this call, Rex Lassalle will introduce Lena Gelin, a former student of his Hara Shiatsu School of the 1980’s, and her story of the childhood trauma she encountered that deeply affected her health. Rex will share how her healing initiated a quantum field moment for him and his understanding of how the Child Star element influenced this healing transformation in Lena. In a way, it was the beginning of Rex’s journey into Orinoco Flows.
Lena comes to us with many gifts, talents and skills. She will share stories about the rituals she engaged in to come into relationship with her Child Star element. She carries a continuing contact with nature through her natural horsemanship that continues to bless her many healing gifts.
She is the principal of the Transformational School of Homeopathy in Helsinki. She also runs Shiatsu School Helsinki. She works with women’s health, births, hormonal issues and grief. She was born in Kemi, Finland and raised in Africa. She is the mother of four children. She has seen the whole cycle of life, from birth to death with her first child. She will share about this experience through the lens of her late son’s Child Star and also who she is in relation to her other three children.
Single mother of 4 children, massage therapist & doula. She will share her experience about the different emotional characteristics of her children from their Child Star. She will also explain her different insights as a massage therapist from the client’s Child Star.
Bettina Duesmann has practiced as a midwife for over 30 years and currently works at the Tübingen Birth Centre in Germany. She holds a MSc in midwifery from Salzburg University of Applied Science, has studied bonding analysis with Jenö Raffai and brings a deep yet silent spiritual presence to her midwifery. Bettina will share her perceptions of the Child Star astrology and how she applies it to the subtle needs of her clients in their pregnancy and birth ceremonies.