
Balanced Bodies

Journey through Parenting

How the Past Affects the Present

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Join us for Integration Workshops!

Journey through Parenting is now offering live drop-in process groups to explore your Inner Child Journey with Emily McCrea and Christianna Deichmann as your personal Guides.

The object of group work allows you to see many different therapy processes amongst members of your group in each new session- creating an incredibly enriching learning experience. Members in the group take turns having their own personal Inner Child Journey with Emily and Christianna as guides, and can even break out into group rooms to do an Inner Child Process with other group members. These processes can relate to a challenging issue you have as a parent, practitioner, or just as an adult living life. We will uphold very clear ground rules for creating a safe container for the group, ensuring each participant in the group feels safe and supported. Everything you participate in is optional and every moment is conducted under the auspices of the rule of “permission”: your permission, Emily and Christianna’s permission, the group’s permission, and from your “higher self” or your psyche. What unfolds in the space can create much healing and you get to know individuals in the group at a more compassionate level.

The monthly structure includes inner child journeys/ experiential co-regulation practices / coping skills for managing stress / opportunities to share your unique situations and receive one on one coaching / developmental neuroscience | mapping / uncovering core needs | polyvagal & attachment theory | integrating trauma |  connected communication | behavior challenges and more!

Due to the containment model we will uphold for the privacy and safety of the group, these classes will not be recorded.

You can bundle and join monthly or drop in when you can!

Monthly drop in price is on a sliding scale theme of pay what you can afford:  $25-$55 per month

Please select the option best suited for you.

Upcoming Group Sessions:

Tuesday, August 29th 10:00am PDT, 1:00pm EDT

Tuesday, September 26th 10:00am PDT, 1:00pm EDT

Tuesday, October 24th, 10:00am PDT, 1:00pm EDT

Tuesday, November 28th, 10:00am PDT, 1:00pm EDT

Tuesday, December 19th, 10:00am PDT, 1:00pm EDT

Bundle Price for 5 Group Sessions
(5 months)

Sliding Scale Bundle Price
(5 months)

Upcoming Group
Sliding Scale

Upcoming Group
Sliding Scale

Next Journey Through Parenting course coming February 2024

Five 2 hour modules

Join us for this exploration into parenting with soul and connection as we work together to uncover meaningful ways to cultivate a robust presence with our children.

We are living in anxious times. Uncertainty and struggle is ever-present in our homes and found its way into each of our lives. How can we deal with our emotions in the heat of the moment? What story is a child’s behavior telling us? How can we be the parent we want to be? The essence of the class is understanding how our past stories can get us stuck in the present. The weekly structure will include:

Live Lectures, recorded for on-demand viewing
Grounding practices and coping skills for managing stress
Homework to vitalize the material between sessions
Community to share your experience with others in the course

Class recordings are available on-demand, along with an enriching digital workbook housing informative videos, class content, and journaling prompts.

Topics Include: Developmental Neuroscience | Mapping Our Needs | Polyvagal & Attachment Theory for Caretakers | Impacts of Trauma | Holistic Healing Modalities | Nurturing Connected Communication | What Drives Behavior