
Balanced Bodies

Healing Stories: recordings of how craniosacral therapy heals

Jenni Alpert (aka Cami) Singer/Songwriter

Jenni Alpert (aka Cami) Singer/Songwriter

In honor of our Relinquishment, Separation, Adoption and Baby's Experience Panel, Jenni Alpert (Cami) - Singer, songwriter, guitarist, and pianist joined us to share her personal story around the adoption constellation. Jenni Alpert (Birth name: Cameron, Cami) was...

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Trauma Recovery: Repeatedly raped as a young child

Trauma Recovery: Repeatedly raped as a young child

Chronic Symptoms need Prenatal and Perinatal Somatic Dynamics in order to heal This gut-wrenching story is one of hope, renewal, and faith. All in all, the treatments went on for almost a year—a testament that this type of medicine is a slow-working antidote that aims...

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True Healings Two Chair Method

True Healings Two Chair Method

True healings from Craniosacral therapy Craniosacral therapy sits on the fringe of alternative healthcare and alludes most people. Because it is an “energetic” healing modality, most people lack understanding of what it is and how it is a form of treatment of the...

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Birth in Pieces

Birth in Pieces

When I open google, or turn on the TV, or listen to the news, I have to check my reality and ask myself, “Do I live in an advanced society? Or is this just an illusion of the proverbial American Dream?” We all know the news is depressing and hopeless sounding. When I...

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I Travel To You!

If your location is within 20 miles of the clinic, the travel fee is waived. Within 30 miles, the travel fee is $15. From 30-50 miles, the travel fee is $25.