Balanced Bodies
Elemental Foundation Training

Sacred Geometry I – Activating Sacred Space
This is the first in a series of classes from the Modern Mystery School to expand your understanding of the way we are made. This self-knowledge is compared to a yoga of the west and gives you deeper understanding of your emotions, deeper ability to release stress and deeper connection to inner joy and the quiet within.
- Connect to the 3 “Keys to Heaven”
- Enhance the feeling of your home or space with sacred geometry
- Attune to the language of manifestation with this level 1 attunement
- Deepen your ability to connect to your quiet mind
Recommended to do beforehand: Life Activation, Full Spirit Activation or Foundation Package of transformation sessions. *Inquire with Christianna for more information
Saturday, September 14, 2024
1:00 pm – 5:00pm
Instructor: Shawn Warnick
Location: Charlottesville, VA
Sacred Geometry 2 Class
In-Person Sunday, September 15, 2024 9-6 pm
Sacred Geometry 2 Includes:
- Crystal Healing methods for yourself and others
- Methods to shift old wounding or attract abundance
- Methods to change the energy of your home with crystals
- Teachings from ancient text of Mu and Fangoria
- And much more
You may have already connected to crystals. We can find crystals everywhere now. This class
will deepen your connection to understanding crystals beyond what is written in books. You will
learn powerful tools to release obstacles in your life and unlock true magick. All of these methods
can be used for your self and others!
Cost: $450
Prerequisite: Sacred Geometry 1
Full Spirit Activation (next step after Life Activation)
Archangel Michael Inner Stellar Light Tube Activation
This modality activates the Buddhic Body, which is deeply connected to the 7 chakras. By opening up the chakras fully, enlightenment can be attained for a brief moment, and that second of clarity will last you a lifetime. Having this activation you are now ready to move into Archangel Michael’s Interstellar Light Tube.
This interstellar experience allows you to access the origin of creational energy. Archangel Michael is the master architect of the labyrinth of the soul, and by entering his Light Tube, you will be commencing a process of re-creation into the highest form for yourself.
The will of the higher self always desires good, however, at times we are not always in alignment with that Will. By clearing and cleaning up the etheric structure, you become more balanced between the Will of God, the Will of the Universe & Nature and the Will of Humans. This creates immense clarity of life and purpose and opens up the mind to allow the self to be affected by the true Will of God. This modality enhances the connection with the spiritual self while having more reverence for the experience of Life.
We are all composed of many complex energy bodies, systems and structures. One such system is called the etheric body. As human beings living in a world of many different energies; we get very polluted and confused. The main problem is that we lose connection with divinity and to the Celestial Kingdom. Etheric Reconstruction is needed in order to restore our connection to the divine, and allow us to be in harmony with celestial powers. It is the art of healing specific parts of the Etheric – Auric body, including the Magnetic, Astral and Dharmic body systems.
There are energetic cords that connect us to everyone in our lives, past and present, through which people can “pull” on your energy, leaving you feeling tired and off-center. Emotional Cord Cutting disconnects these emotional cords so you stop losing energy to other people – especially to people who are no longer part of your life like ex-partners, ex-coworkers and bosses, etc., or who you feel “suck you dry”. After the Emotional Cord Cutting, you’ll feel a strong sense of freedom, liberation, and refreshment.
This powerful healing comes from the Advanced Sacred Geometries (Level 5). This modality re-calibrates the whole magnetic structure of a person while activating the Fire Souls – Spirit in the body. This is what is referred to in the Vedas as the first step of the Kundalini Awakening. Receiving this infusion is another huge step in the activation of awareness of our true divine nature.
Based on the 7 principles of Hermes and the Emerald Tablet, this modality is the most powerful re-balancing we have in the mystery school tradition. Each session clears out the 7 layers of your energy field that correspond to the 7 Rays, allowing them to flow through you in a way that is uninhibited, stable and constructive. The clarity attained through this rebalancing will help you to “See” the world in a new way, where you are able to see through the illusion and identify the true nature of things.
Sessions generally recommended in packages of 3 sessions for full impact and effect.
Using the energies of the Gods and Goddesses Isis, Osiris, Geb, and Nut, this modality causes a death and rebirth of the emotional body which in turn creates a revitalized mental and physical state of being. As a result of this realignment, people often experience having more available energy, more usage of the brain capacity and more vitality for everyday life.
Shamanic Soul Retrieval
Our soul gets injured through physical, emotional, mental and spiritual trauma, as well as events, concepts, conditioning and programming that are not revealed in our consciousness. This can result in the feeling of being incomplete or out of touch with yourself. Soul Retrieval can help if you can feel or sense that a piece of you is lost, and you are longing for that feeling of oneness within.