9 Fire Child Star Month in a 5 Earth Star Year
This month January 2023 is a 9 Fire Child Star Month. It began on January 6th and will end on February 3rd 2023.
What is the Child Star Month?
This is the Star Element which dominates the energy field for that month and in the process gives “hints” to other Child Star Elements for that month.
For those who don’t know what their Child Star Element is, they can discover it by downloading the 3 Free Chapters of my book Your Emotions & The Alchemy of TIME.
In fact for those whose first language is French (https://rexlassalle.com/product/your-emotions-the-alchemy-of-time-french/), German (https://rexlassalle.com/product/your-emotions-the-alchemy-of-time-german-version/) or Italian (https://rexlassalle.com/product/your-emotions-the-alchemy-of-time-italian-version/), they can download it in those languages now.
What is so about the 9 Fire Child Star?
It is a high energy time. Here are some examples of 9 Fire Child Star months in January. January2014 there was a cold wave that hit the US where temperatures dropped below – 40 Celsius.There was exposure of the illegal surveillance in 1971 by the FBI of leftist in America which included Martin Luther King. Train fire on Canadian Railways happened where a train transporting crude oil and propane gas derails and catches fire. Similar event happened in India on the Dehradun Express from Mumbai when a train catches fire.
Explosion at Mitsubishi plant in Japan. There was also a chemical spill in West Virginia that flowed into the Elk River. A volcanic eruption in Indonesia at Mount Sinabung happened. Bush fires occurred in Australia where temperatures were over 43 degrees Celsius. Drought emergency was declared in California.Those are some of the tendencies of a 9 Fire Child Star month in a 5 Earth Star year in the world.
Internally and emotionally such energetic tendencies can occur for you. Big emotional swings are easily triggered in a 9 Fire Child Star month. Artistic expressions with such explosive feelings are often released in a 9 Fire Child Star month. Some of the songs that were released in January 2014 were High Hopes by Bruce Springsteen, David Crosby released that same month Croz. January 2005 another 9 Fire Child Star month Marianne Faithful released Before the Poison. All these releases carried intense emotional lyrics.
So what about individuals who don’t have a 9 Fire Child Star at their birth?
Let’s take a look at them.
For those carrying the 1 Water Child Star, your Child Star this month is in the 6 Metal House as seen in the 9 Fire Star month. Where the 1 Water Child Star resides this month is in the 6 Metal house. This is a time to seek peace of mind with your life choices. Insuring that the last hour before bedtime is one that is calm and away from computer or cell phone. This will make a big difference to the quality of your life. Health wise insure that daily bowel movements are happening as this will make a big difference to your emotional and mental state. Emotionally it is a time of letting go rather than holding on or fighting emotional situations.
For those carrying the 2 Earth Child Star, in this 9 Fire Star month your 2 Earth Child Star is in the 7 Metal House. It is harvest time for you. Good deeds and virtuous actions that you may have done over the last few months can ripen this month. Be present to harvest those experiences. Give yourself permission to receive blessings. Health wise do look after your Respiratory system. Yoga and Taoist breathing exercises can bring oxytocin moments to your life. Make time for engaging with this especially on mornings. Skin Brushing and self care oriented towards the skin can add to your feel good experiences this month.
For those carrying the 3 Wood Child Star, your Child Star this month is in the 8 Earth House. It is a time of inner reflections with a deep listening to those experiences that may surface in dreams or coincidences. Omens occurring this month for you may open other levels of self-reflection. Do explore these as they can give guidance for emotional transition experiences. Avoid tendencies to be impulsive and ego centric responses to experiences. Slow is fast for you this month, be the observer before responding to experiences and situations that occur. Looking after your lymph system will bring clarity to your responses this month. Daily skin brushing, bouncing on a trampoline, shaking your body; arms and legs all such actions will be very supportive. Avoid marathon sitting periods in front of your computer. Break them up with walks and stretching movements every 90 minutes.
For those with the 4 Wood Child Star, your Child Star this month is in the 9 Fire house. This is a time for you to be out there in the world connecting with people and socialising. Show your face and be present with your communication skills. Opportunities with the media should be embraced. Cardio vascular exercises are the way to go this month; be it swimming, brisk walks, cycling, gym workouts. Do make time for them. Saunas be they Infra-Red or regular saunas will all give you oxytocin moments. Should double booking of appointments occur this month for you, then you are over the top with your calendar and slowing down is required. Less is more should this occur. Should obesity signs show up do address these rather than procrastinate.
For those with the 6 Metal Child Star, your Child Star this month is in the 2 Earth House. It is a month for slowing down and having quality time with your meals. Especially breakfast, make it a celebration of giving thanks for having a meal before you. Celebrate it with a lit candle or a vase with some fresh flowers or even making time as regards how the table is laid out for meals. Making time to have a cup of boiled hot water that is poured back and forth into another cup with feelings of gratitude will bring a smile to your stomach and solar plexus. Begin your meals with this ritual. Reaching out to others with one to one chats where truly listening to what is shared will give you guidance as to how the month unfolds for you.
For those with the 7 Metal Child Star your Child Star this month is in the 3 Wood Star house. It is a time of new beginnings for you, new approaches to things in your life. Can be a time of change for you with what you do and how you do it emotionally. Give yourself permission to be flexible as change in your approach to things can arise for you. Be flexible with what may occur as to how you view certain situations especially emotionally. Impulsive moments may be there for you give that space yet at the same time avoid egocentric responses as they could easily be received as somewhat arrogant by those around you. Pace yourself with these changes. Make time for Yoga, dance, stretching exercises. Limit your intake of animal foods and also late night dinners. Early morning walks can bring a fresh energy to your day. Eye exercises will bring feelings of spaciousness.
For those with the 8 Earth Child Star, your Child Star is in the 4 Wood Star house this month. It is a time of communication. Be it writing articles blogs, poems. Request for interviews may occur do accept them as certain emotional processes may be facilitated by this. An inner listening to dreams that may occur this month can bring omens of new paths to explore. Especially if symbols of wind and sound are present when they occur. Health wise look after your hips, jaws and ankles. Should some issue arise in any of these areas this month, it would be a clear communication that your body is asking you to discern. As something needs addressing which may have links to frustration or underlying impatience. These need processing. Stretching exercises and Sotai will give many blessings to you emotionally.
For the 9 Fire Child Star individual, your Child Star is in the 5 Earth House. Time for stabilising things emotionally. Not a time for making major changes. Embrace deep listening to your way of being this month, this will be a source of profound guidance. Maintaining a good routine around your meal times. This will support stable blood sugar levels. Avoid alcohol and sugar binges as this will trigger erratic decision making which will contribute to chaotic outcomes. You can easily feel paralysed as to your choices and indecisiveness will easily set in. Bouncing on a rebounder and skin brushing are excellent choices in supporting your well being.
We at Orinoco Flows look forward to hearing about your experiences this month.